I'm sorry I haven't been able to post in a long time. During spring break, I was touring colleges, and when I got back to school, I had tests, quizzes, projects, and homework thrust upon me. Also, for the next three weeks, I have two quizzes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Yes, I am in a very stressed and frustrated state right now.
However, I am posting pictures of some of the outfits that I wore on college tour (I went to the chilly East coast):
I admit that I was a bit apprehensive about wearing red and pink together (I'm wearing a pink button-down underneath the hoodie). However, after seeing the red and pink girl that is sewn onto my bag, I decided to give the color combination a shot.
This is more of a casual Lolita look (I left out the petticoat). I enjoy adding a few Lolita pieces to my outfits when I'm not in the mood for going full-out Lolita. By the way, I ordered some more Lolita dresses, so I will post pictures of them when they arrive (and when I find time to post the pictures) ^^.
I know that the pictures are not of the highest quality, and I apologize. However, I hope that you liked some of my outfits.
I have noticed that my outfits are gradually becoming less insane or "outlandish". For example, I put on less accessories. However, my classmates are still under the impression that I am always "making a fashion statement", so I guess that I haven't "lost my touch" after all. As long as I am not completely conforming to mainstream trends, I am happy. :)
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